Young Adults
Redeemer’s Young Adult Ministry is for available for anyone ages 18-40. The Young Adult years can be a challenging time of transitions, uncertainty, and trying to figure life out. We provide a welcoming, grace-filled community where you can find friendship, guidance, and encouragement. The best place to figure out who you’re meant to be and what you’re meant to do is in a supportive community; so please join us as we follow Jesus together. You are welcome here.
Upcoming Events
26 January
Redeemer Youth Room
High School Youth Group
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
14 February
Parent’s Night Out/Friday Night Frenzy
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
16 February
Redeemer Youth Room
High School Youth Group
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
09 March
Redeemer Youth Room
High School Youth Group
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
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