
Redeemer Kids

Our vibrant children’s ministry creates a dynamic space where kids from PreK-4 to 3rd Grade encounter Jesus in a fun and engaging way. Led by a dedicated team, we provide age-specific worship and learning experiences every Sunday. Come join us for an exciting journey of faith and growth!”

Redeemer Littles

Children 6 months to 3 years are welcome in the Nursery during all three services on Sundays.

Redeemer Kids

Children in PreK-4 to 3rd Grade start in the Sanctuary at the 9:30 service, then follow Mrs. Iwabuchi to rooms

Redeemer Quest

Children in 4th-5th Grade start in the Sanctuary at 9:30 service, then follow Mrs. Iwabuchi to room


Are you interested in becoming a kids' ministry volunteer? Help is needed for both “up front” and “behind-the-scenes” work. It doesn’t take superpowers to make a difference in kids' lives.