Redeemer Men
Redeemer’s Youth Ministry is for available for all students grades 6-12. We seek to create a safe, grace-filled space for youth to learn and grow as followers of Jesus while connecting with God, each other, and caring adult mentors. We also desire to encourage and equip parents to feel confident raising your child in the faith through engaging in meaningful conversations at home.
Upcoming Events
26 January
Redeemer Youth Room
High School Youth Group
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
14 February
Parent’s Night Out/Friday Night Frenzy
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
16 February
Redeemer Youth Room
High School Youth Group
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
09 March
Redeemer Youth Room
High School Youth Group
1500 W Anderson Ln, Austin, TX 78757
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